"It is a sad fate for a man to die to well known to everybody else and still unknown to himself" ~ Francis Bacon


Mama always said “Don’t give it away for free.” But — My book is FREE today!

Here he is folks the one and only American Author Andy Holloman; defying his MOTHER’S WORDS….. Mama always said “Don’t give it away for free.” But — My book is FREE today!

If you haven’t had the opportunity to read his new novel Shades Of Gray. I want to urge you to read it. Just click on the words in BLUE above to download your copy for FREE.

A great read, and I promise you no one will ever guess the ending…… this guy despite not listening to his mama, has a great imagination and his readers are blessed to have him taking the time to pen some great novels to add to our collections.

I agree with his mama, he shouldn’t give it away for free…. but since he is…. you better not miss the opportunity to grab this one.

~ Settle in for a heart pounding, at times humorous and breathtaking read. ~SHADES OF GRAY~


American Artist Laurel Holloman

American Artist Laurel Holloman’s first solo Art Exhibition titled Coeur Libre (My Heart Is Free)  in Paris, France http://youtu.be/9OAHsBX19Eo is most likely underway for its first evening of its début.

 picture courtesy of Sally Relph

Located at Mairie du 5e arrondissement, 21 place du Pantheon 75005 (Town Hall opposite of the Pantheon) opening night is April 3rd and beginning April 4th-21st a daily showing for the public. ~ Monday thru Friday from 10am to 6pm, Saturday 10am to 1pm, closed on Sunday.

For anyone wishing  to learn more about Laurels’ love of painting or to order prints you can do so online by clicking on the artist’s current studio website http://www.laurelholloman.net/.

Laurel’s entertainment resume dates back to early 1995 when she began her career in the entertainment world as an American Actress co-starring alongside many renown actors/actresses in many movies and making a name for herself with her roles as Justine in the cable TV series “Angel” and Showtime’s “The LWord” as Tina.

Laurel’s heart however finds it beats stronger for her love for painting and is now allowing herself the opportunity to add to her professional portfolio with a new career as an American Abstract Artist. She is becoming renown in a world that few dare venture into, ART. It is only fitting to give recognition to a woman who has defied the odds of changing careers in the midst of a troubled economy that not only stretches across our homeland, but world-wide. Few dare to take the plunge of a huge career change, much less find themselves successful in such a short time as she has.  In 2010 the American Artist launched her first art series titled “The Tribeca Series” from New York City, selling out within just a few months of its initial launch.“I Walk Alone”

I want to add also: I would guess Laurel’s work as an abstract artist is the only work from a renown artist anywhere to be the first to make its way to the mountains of Afghanistan and has been seen and wooed by many Afghan natives as well as NATO Forces that make up many countries as America’s Allies. Her pieces albeit in print form has served in Operation Enduring Freedom as a positive topic for conversation and her “Untitled Green” print was seen and signed by a few of the Special Warfare Team whose members  we unfortunately lost in 2011 and once my tour has been complete this print will find its way to New York and hopefully will find a resting place among the thousands within the 9/11 memorial.

The truth is, I admire this artist for all her hidden strengths and so much more. In fact if you are reading this post you should know that the website Luartfan.com is named for Laurel’s current work, in recognition of her paintings. (Lu art fan)

It is only fitting I would write something in honor of Laurel, her current work, her success and especially her one moment she has prepared for so diligently these last couple of years…. Her very own art exhibition.

Today, my heart is especially happy and skipping a beat or two from excitement for Laurel and for the début solo exhibition titled Coeur Libre (My Heart Is Free).  http://youtu.be/aHmvI7ihGQo video by photojournalist Miki Turner.

Before I close, I wanted to make it known that my words, my thoughts here, are my own, and in no way reflect the artist’s views or have been endorsed by the artist herself. I speak from my heart and as a proud woman for the success of one of my fellow american sisters who I respect and admire.

Much Love,


Words of Wisdom

“THREE TREES ON A HILL” ~ Once there were three trees on a hill in the woods. They were discussing their hopes and dreams when the first tree said, “Someday I hope to be a treasure chest. I could be filled with gold, silver and precious gems. I could be decorated with intricate caring and everyone would see the beauty.”
Then the second tree said, “Someday I will be a mighty ship. I will take kings and queens across the waters and sail to the corners of the world. Everyone will feel safe in me because of the strength of my hull.”
Finally the third tree said, “I want to grow up to be the tallest and straightest tree in the forest. People will see me on top of the hill and look up to my branches, and think of the heavens and God and how close to them I am reaching. I will be the greatest tree of all time and people will always remember me.”
After a few years of praying their dreams would come true, a group of woodsmen came upon the trees. When one came to the first tree he said, “This looks like a strong tree; I think I should be able to sell the wood to a carpenter,” and he began cutting it down. The tree was happy because he knew that the carpenter would make him into a treasure chest.
 At the second tree the woodsman said, “This looks like a strong tree, I should be able to sell it to a shipyard.” The second tree was happy because he knew he was on his way to becoming a mighty ship.
When the woodsman came upon the third tree, the tree was frightened because he knew that if they cut him down his dreams would not come true. One of the woodsmen said, “I don’t need anything special from my tree, I’ll take this one,” and he cut it down.
 When the first tree arrived at the carpenters, he was made into a feed box for animals. He was then placed in a barn and filled with hay. This was not at all what he had prayed for.
The second tree was cut and made into a small fishing boat. His dreams of being a mighty ship and carrying kings had come to an end.
The third tree was cut into large pieces and left alone in the dark.
The years went by, and the trees forgot about their dreams. Then one day a man and a woman came to the barn. She gave birth and they placed the baby in the hay in the feed box that was made from the first tree. The man wished that he could have made a crib for the baby, but this manger would have to do. The tree could feel the importance of this event and knew that it had held the greatest treasure of all time.
Years later, a group of men got in the fishing boat made from the second tree. One of them was tired and went to sleep. While they were out on the water, a great storm arose and the tree didn’t think it was strong enough to keep the men safe. The men woke the sleeping man, and he stood and said “Peace Be Still” and the storm stopped. At this time, the tree knew that it had carried the King of Kings in its boat.
Finally, someone came and got the third tree. It was carried through the streets as the people mocked the man who was carrying it. When they came to a stop, the man was nailed to the tree and raised in the air to die at the top of a hill. When Sunday came, the tree came to realize that it was strong enough to stand at the top of the hill and be as close to God as possible, because Jesus had been crucified on it. 

 The moral of this story is that when things don’t seem to be going your way, always know that God has a plan for you. If you place your trust in Him, He will give you great gifts. Each of the trees got what they wanted, just not in the way they had imagined. We don’t always know what God’s plans are for us. We just know that His ways are not our ways, but His ways are best.    ~ Author UnknownIn all things may we learn to give thanks; even when it doesn’t turn out the way we had wished.




Precious Memories

I am just sitting here in my room with the urge to write about something. Problem is I really am not sure what to write about. I think being a writer is a lot harder than most people realize. I have much respect for authors/writers who daily sit and scribe their next novel or articles from within. I really wish I had their concentration levels to do that on a daily basis.

  I often tell myself, once I return home and get some normalcy back in my life, (if that is even possible) to take that much-needed  vacation somewhere and concentrate on writing a book; even if never published, it would be for me an accomplishment and maybe someday my grandchildren will have the enjoyment of reading my words.  Truth is I have so many topics I would like to write about, I would have trouble figuring out where to begin.

 I could start by telling them about the time as a kid my cousin asks me to do the dishes for her. I did so and rather enjoyed it until I came to that tough greased skillet.  I was having a difficult time getting it clean and remembered yelling to her, because she was in the other room, ” sissy I can’t get the skillet clean” she replies “hon, just use a little elbow grease” so I did until my elbow was so raw it hurt and when I told her I couldn’t use my elbow anymore she came into the kitchen to see what I was talking about and scooped me off the chair took me to the bathroom to clean my raw elbow while in tears from laughing so hard. It was then I learned what the term “use a little elbow grease” meant. ~ Simply means put some muscle into whatever you are doing.

 Or could write about the time I started to drink coffee.  When I asked for my first cup, I was told I could have a cup but I may want to put creamer in my coffee because those who drank coffee black became black and that is why there are black people in the world. White people drank their coffee with creamer and this is why there were white people in the world. I believed this one for a very long time before I learned the truth that it doesn’t matter how you drink your coffee.  Because of this, I now can drink my coffee with or without creamer, I like it either way.

  I grew up with pranksters within my family all my life. My mom’s two youngest brother’s used to scare me when I was a toddler with their face masks because they would love to see me run and climb up on my grandma’s lap and bury my face into her chest and “cry out the bogey man is here grandma.”  That stopped rather sudden though after my grandma, their mom, took a  piece of race car track, (back in the day the pieces of track were made of rubber and bright orange) and chased them through the house with it swearing if they put those mask on again she would chase them down and give them a good whipping. She couldn’t get anything done while I was in her lap scared to death.  One of those boys just celebrated a birthday this week and I wonder if he still has that mask, bet his grandkids wouldn’t like it either?

 My grandmother will turn 93 this year and could probably out run those boys of hers today and myself. 

 I am so proud of her and for all the dedication and love she has given to her entire family and the many years of precious memories she has given us for days like today, when we may find ourselves alone in a faraway land, or a situation, to look back on treasured family memories, buried deep within the heart and mind….. A never – ending reminder of strength, perseverance, and LOVE.

 I believe I would want to share my most precious memory I have of my grandparents (there are many, but this one takes precedence over all) in my book of memories for all to read.

 When I was a teenager, my mom was away for the weekend and I was supposed to be spending the weekend with my married cousin till I drank a few of her husband’s beers w/o asking. So she sent me to my grandparents, now my grandparents, (who have very strong Christian values) or I should say my grandfather gave me a serious lecture about how drinking was not appropriate and so on and so on. After the lecture, I ask if I could be excused and to my surprise the man said “no, not till we prayed”…. well as a teenager, I was in shock he told me no, and in no mood to pray however I had a deep respect for both my grandparents and obeyed. He had me kneel beside him with my grandmother on the other side of me and they prayed for our entire family (which is huge) which took forever and then for me. I will never FORGET this as long as I live.  I remember them placing their precious hands upon each of my shoulders and offered up a prayer for me.  I often wonder if any of my cousins ever had a God like “precious moment” with our grandparents like I did.  I am forever grateful they loved me enough to correct me when I was wrong and pray for me when I was lost. They are a part of my faiths foundation’s cornerstone that when the winds blow and the rains fall and the storms come, I shall not be moved….. There is never a day that goes by that my grandfather or my grandmother doesn’t cross my mind.


~ “I believe as I grow with age I come to treasure and value my childhood more. The trials faced when young, helped to develop my character today, and birthed the same spirit within myself that William Wilberforce once had ~ a british slave abolitionist; and if I could choose who I wanted to be more like, I would choose to become more like him ~ Renee Emery

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpXwa8WeyF0 ~ Amazing Grace

May you have a very special Valentine’s Day.

Much Love,



Be Still And Know That I Am ~ Psalms 46:10

Being honest I haven’t really felt like writing or sharing until today.  

The new year has already been interesting to say the least. I am back at my current duty station and I am focusing on finishing out this tour in one piece, and with a more positive sound mind, my hearing, and above all a deeper spiritual understanding of what GOD my FATHER expects from me.  I hope to leave here with having made some difference where God has seen fit to place me and take home with me a better understanding that not all people in Afghanistan are bad; just like not all people in America are bad. Many have dreams and goals just like you and I for themselves and their children. 

I remember before arriving in country, I asked GOD to place me where I would be most beneficial to him and to allow my spirit to hear his voice, and above all to be sensitive to his call, purpose and need.  While many were preparing for the natural war, I prepared for the spiritual war. I was thinking how are you (Father) gonna use me to make a difference? And if I am honest with you it was somewhat exciting. You see,  for 23 years I have prepared for such a time as this. Through the years I have experienced many levels of spiritual warfare, but none as important and difficult like this current one I am in and it is only another small part that prepares me for what is to come, so to have been chosen and prepped, it is an honor and I give all THANKS today to my FATHER IN HEAVEN for believing in me. 

I can’t help but feel so humbled at the thought of meeting some of the locals I have met while here in Afghanistan. I think most Americans think negative of the people here and I can say that is not the case. I have been careful to quietly observe while being here. I will say, I respect certain ones who take care of their families and show respect for the American Soldiers and their allies for being here and understand we are here to make their lives more safe and secure from those who wish harm on them, their country and the world. I have listened to their stories, respect their faith and though we do not share the same beliefs, I can say today I walk away with a better understanding of it and I know they have heard about my Faith.  I don’t want to get into a political right or wrong agenda while writing. I just want or wish everyone could see the damage being done from all sides when the whole story is never told. We see horrid stories on you tube and the news of the negative side of this natural war, but I believe throughout there are many positive stories never shared, overlooked and under appreciated. Positive differences are being made. 

 If we could take a moment and quietly look deep within our own selves, I think we would agree the last 11 years has taken its toll on the entire world and all our families. Many innocent lives taken too soon, many have given unselfishly the ultimate sacrifice. I honor them. I mourn with those who have lost a loved one regardless of the circumstance during the beginning of the wars. I thank all families who have supported their loved one while off to fight in two wars that has created so much division.  I thank everyone, everywhere who has offered up prayers, sent care packages, emails, and quietly stood valiantly beside the NATO Forces who are serving, and who have served our countries to protect the Freedoms we believe in the best we can. 

 I will return home more humbled, more thankful and more blessed and hope to be a positive role model and voice for America’s future.

I give thanks today to GOD my Father, my son’s, my family, my extended families and to all my FB and twitter friends who I have come to cherish and respect, may we all take a moment sometime this week and offer up a prayer that GOD’S WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED on the current world economic crisis everywhere. I close with this scripture that I feel is proper to use here under our current situation….

Matthew CH18:18-20 states this: Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.  Again, I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name I am there in the midst of them.

Someone out there PLEASE  BLOW THE SHOFAR: Let 2012 be the beginning for CHAINS Of DIVISION TO BE BROKEN……….

http://youtu.be/6k8vADchMmM ~ In Christ Alone
Much Love,


December 2011

Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas with loved ones? I know I did. I was able to spend Christmas with my son’s. They are beautiful in spirit as well as just being gifted with natural beauty. I believe the american term we use is HANDSOME.

 Being a mother, it was a special treat to sit back and listen to them converse with one another in a lengthy conversation, expressing themselves and enjoying one another as brothers. I have no doubt they will stay close  through out their lives, and this is a prayer that for me has been answered. I never had that privilege being close with a sibling. So if you are out there today and you have a brother or sister or both, I encourage you today to call them, say hi and just listen to them and let them know you love them and you are happy they are in your life.

As I prepare to fly back to Afghanistan to finish out my year-long tour it is my sincere wish and hope 2012 finds you, your families blessed with:

Love and blessings always,


December 2011

Having both my sons together, happy, healthy and full of life is priceless.

My biggest supporters and faithful writers of email questions while overseas.

These 1st graders believe in their land, their servicemen and women and the USA and are America’s future.

They presented this flag to me yesterday while I attended their Christmas program at their school.

I am proud of them and I love them all.

In a week or so I will return to the mountains of Afghanistan with this flag to hang in my office for my team and all the world to see, why we do what we do.


Have a beautiful weekend.



I assume  if you are reading this you survived Thanksgiving Day with your family and friends?  I hope your hearts are full with love, your minds filled with new memories to cherish and your stomachs filled with great tasting food.

As for me, Thanksgiving was somewhat of a quiet day and my team and I had a small dinner in our office, sharing stories, laughs and making a few memories together while serving our country overseas.

Winter has certainly arrived and the days are staying cold and our nights are even colder.  It is a crisp cold, and  for a moment it feels refreshing as the coolness gently blows across my face. There really isn’t anything like the fresh mountain air even during the ugliest of times. I often wonder deep in my mind what it would be like here in the mountains of Afghanistan, taking in her stillness and beauty without all the different noises from the aircrafts hovering and flying around.  The sad reality for me is I will never get to experience that thought.  Therefore, I close my eyes and attempt to shut out all the disturbances of war and  try to find peace and quietness to attach with her beauty for my remembrance.  If mountains could speak, which I believe they do. Their story would be worth listening. Through the ages of time I can only imagine the many souls that have crossed her terrain and the many challenges her cliffs, valleys, ridges, depressions have offered those brave enough to endure her, whether it be to victory or by defeat.

As I write tonight I can feel the vibrations from the choppers overhead and think about the scars left on the mountainside from the different countries trying to write their own story and making their mark into the  history books.  My mind and eyes tired, yet sleep and rest seem impossible, so I write.

This post is short but it is  what was on my mind. The silent stories of the Kush Mountains that seem to echo through the ages…. and all those who were brave enough for what ever reason to go before.

“Those things that nature denied to human sight, she revealed to the eyes of the soul.” ~ Ovid (43 B.C.-17 A.D.)



Thanksgiving 2011

This is the week where many will begin to prepare for Thursday, Thanksgiving Day.  A day where family and friends gather together to celebrate the blessings bestowed to each of us with sharing of food, laughs and creating new memories to carry us through to another year.

Thanksgiving Day is a day to stop and lay aside our differences, put away daily worries and focus on the real things we truly are to be thankful for, each other, our families, and our freedoms.  I am reminded  daily of how blessed America and her citizens are.

When the sirens blow and the enemy knows me not. I quietly surrender God’s Will  be done and trust for his ultimate protection.  I am grateful for this hidden shield as the smoke disappears and the dust settles.  

We are living in a time where America’s values are diminishing and her foundation is being shaken to her very core.  I write today to remind us all, as Thanksgiving approaches not to lose hope, instead rise up and stand. Be a pillar for what you believe in. Use your voice to share a grateful message. Use your feet and hands to go and help a person in need, offer them a smile, a hug or even a handshake.  Be thankful for this opportunity.

When you travel take an extra minute to admire the natural beauty America offers her inhabitants.  May we learn to become a more humble people, to be able to find our way back to our roots that was established years ago deep within the heart of  America and created the strong foundation in which our Nation was founded, for such a time as this.

Heroes Of Faith

By faith the voyaging Mayflower embarked from Old England and found harbor off the bleak New England shores. By faith the pilgrim fathers set up a government on a new continent dedicated to God and inspired by a DESIRE to do his will on earth as it is done in heaven.

By faith Thomas Jefferson was stirred to strike a blow for political independence and wrote the thrilling document that declared that all men are CREATED EQUAL and ENDOWED WITH CERTAIN INALIENABLE RIGHTS.

By faith he said, “Love your neighbor as yourself and your country more than yourself”.
By faith George Washington left his spacious mansion at Mount Vernon and espoused the cause of the tax-burdened colonists. By faith he forsook ease and comfort, choosing rather to suffer hardship with his men at Valley Forge than to enjoy the favor of a king. By faith he became the President of the newly born republic and endured as seeing Him who is invisible.

By faith Alexander Hamilton established the financial credit of the nation. In the eloquent words of Daniel Webster ~ “He touched the corpse of public credit and it sprang into life. He smote the rock of national resources and abundant streams of revenue flowed”.  By faith James Madison gave richly of his scholarly mind to form the Federal Constitution.

 By faith Andrew Jackson fought the battle of the impoverished and underprivileged many against the privileged few.

 By faith Abraham Lincoln bore the awful burden of four purgatorial years seeking to preserve the Federal Union.  By faith he carried a dreadful war to its conclusion without hate in his heart, saying, “I have not only suffered for the south, I have suffered with the south”.

By faith Woodrow Wilson in the dreadful heartbreak of a world war dreamed a dream of a war less world in which the nations should be leagued together to keep the peace. By faith he glimpsed that promised land which, like Moses, he might not enter.   And what shall I more say?

For time would fail me if I should tell of that unnumbered host, the unnamed and obscure citizens who bore unimagined burdens, sacrificed in silence and endured nobly, that a government of the people, for the people, and by the people might not perish from the earth. ~ Edgar De Witt Jones

My Thanksgiving wish for each of you and your families.  May you:

Count your blessings instead of your crosses; Count your gains instead of your losses. Count your joys instead of your woes; Count your friends instead of your foes. Count your smiles instead of your tears; Count your courage instead of your fears. Count your full years instead of your lean; Count your kind deeds instead of your mean. Count your health instead of your wealth; Count on God instead of yourself. ~ Anonymous

Much Love, and I am thankful for each of you.


Author and Novel Worth Mentioning

I couldn’t imagine a world without books and or novels and we wouldn’t have novels if we didn’t have dedicated writers/authors.

And so it is with great admiration and respect, I dedicate this post to a new-found American Author, Andy Holloman and his upcoming debut novel  “SHADES OF GRAY” due out  for official release in 2012.

 Reading has been one of my favorite hobbies since I can remember. I started reading at a very early age with books like Run Spot, Run,  Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys Mysteries; graduating preteen with Judy Blume books and so on…  I am a person who when I find a great author, I tend to stick with them and read all their books and believe me, through the years I have read so many.  As a reader, I have found there are novels we place upon a shelf to collect dust after we have read it. Then there are novels that keep you up all night turning the page and desiring to reread it once finished.

When I read Andy’s bio about how he has penned his ideas for books since a wee lad and kept hidden away in a top-secret shoe box. I smiled, shook my head and wondered if he would make that list of elite team of writers/authors. The ones that can keep you up all night turning the page and desiring to read his/her novels over again once finished. Or if this was gonna be one of those moments where he gets support because he just so happens to be the brother of Laurel Holloman  and his book get placed upon a shelf to collect dust after the first read?  I am being honest here.

About a week ago, I was given the opportunity to read a copy of his new debut novel “Shades Of Gray“.  I found my answer to my wondering mind’s questions?   Andy certainly will establish himself within an elite group of respected writers/authors as he continues to write future novels like he has written with “Shades Of Gray”.   Andy is gifted with creating characters such as John Manning and able to pull his readers inside the story as the reader experiences every emotion at some point even laughter at times while reading.  

This is why I have taken it upon myself to dedicate this post, to this very fine writer/author, ANDY HOLLOMAN.  I believe once people read “Shades Of Gray” they will recognize Andy as an upcoming true american writer that has earned the title of “Author”  and the respect of his fellow author friends. 

I say one can never have to many respected connections in life and so just an added blessing he shares the same last name as our beloved American Artist Laurel Holloman.  Andy and Laurel are blessed to have one another as brother and sister and we are blessed to have them share and give to our world with their own unique style of creativity; writing and painting.    

However, I recommend Andy take a day or two from writing and  tweeting to do some serious detective work (Sherlock Holmes style perhaps)  and find that lost top-secret shoe box so he can bring forth the first edition archives for all his readers.  I bet there are some best sellers in there! I suggest Andy start with his mother. LOL.

I hope you will take it upon yourself to check out  Andy’s website  below and take advantage of the pre launch sale he has been so kind to offer to his readers. Buy a copy of  his debut novel “Shades Of Gray” today  and   http://novelistandyholloman.wordpress.com/purchase-book/  you will be helping a child receive a pair of shoes, they otherwise may never have.  Click the link for further details.  

Please be sure and spread the word to anyone you know who loves to read and may not have the daily access to the internet  like most of us about “Shades of Gray” a contemporary, suspense, thriller novel by novelist Andy Holloman due out in major book stores such as my favorite Barnes and Noble and Amazon in 2012.

“Shades Of Gray” is a must read and I warn you before hand,  you may want to have a day or two where you are not running errands. It is that good and you will not want to put it down.

If you love the art design on the cover of  “Shades Of Gray” check out  Laurel’s  art studio at  http://www.laurelhollomanstudio.net/  for more great work of hers.
